Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's A Spiritual Battle

Lori continues to progress in her healing. At times it is tough to tell because she has trained herself too well to suffer quietly, without bothering others. Please keep her in your prayers for stomach aches, headaches and heart aches. I know she will be much better than normal soon!  

If you want to know what makes Lori strong, read what she writes below, and know that she believes that as the physical and spiritual battle rages, her strength comes from the Lord.

It's A Spiritual Battle

Satan is definitely working overtime to destroy marriages and children.  Husbands who want nothing to do with their wives and are mean to them.  Children deciding they are homosexual and are in open rebellion to the Lord and their parents.  These are spiritual battles, not earthly battles.

We can not wage war the way the world wages war in anger, frustration, and quarrels.  We must daily put on the full armor of the Lord and allow Him to battle for us for "the battle is mine, saith the Lord."

After mentoring for ten years, I have found the most important advice I give the women is to grow deep roots in Jesus.  I encourage them to spend time in God's Word, every morning, allowing His Word to dwell in them richly.  Then write five or ten things they are thankful for because joy comes out of a thankful heart. Then pray for their loved ones and seek wisdom from God.

Trials and tribulations come to everyone.  No one escapes them.  If we use them to grow us into oak trees, with deep roots that seek daily nutrients from the source of life in Jesus, abiding in Him moment by moment, we will weather the storms.  We must learn to have peace and joy in the Spirit within the midst of bad circumstances.

When others see you at peace in the midst of storms, they will want what you have.  You may win your husband to the Lord.  You may win your wayward child to the Lord as they see a peaceful, joyful mother reflecting the love of Jesus, in spite of their rebellion or meanness.

We must always remember that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.  Life is hard at  times, but guess what! God is and always will be on His throne. The Creator of the universe who enters into our suffering and pain promises that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. {Romans 8:28}  

Will you believe God today and trust Him to keep His promises? 

Faith, Hope, Trust, Patience, and Believe ... these are the things that

separate us from the world and move us to a place close to the heart of God.

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers,
nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
Romans 8:38-39