Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Emily's Wedding Day Letter to Us

Dear Ken and Lori,

I am not really sure how to begin a letter like this but here it goes. Thank you for raising such an incredible man. Thank you for pouring your sweat, tears, and prayers over him his entire life. Thank you for praying for me long before you even knew my name. I can't tell you the joy it brings me marrying into not only a Christian family, but a family who genuinely enjoys each other. It reminds me of my family!

Getting married can be a stressful process for some. Broken families can cause an understandable angst and emotional baggage. How thankful Steven and I both are that our parents raised us to walk in Truth, and taught us the goal of marriage: to be sanctified that we may become more like Christ. As Steven and I grow old, loving and serving each other, I am confident that even when trials come, we will cling to the cross as our wonderful parents have done.

Steven and I marvel at how blessed we are to have such kind, generous, and godly parents. We can only pray to impart to our children the wisdom you and my parents have imparted to us.

I cannot wait for the California trips, Door County, more nieces and nephews for us and yes, eventually we will give you more grandchildren, by God's will. May our home be a welcoming place, a place filled with laughter, a place filled with joy.

Steven is a man of such strong character. I am continually amazed by his discipline and yet humility. While it is God whose spirit works in a man and draws him nearer to Himself, I know parents have a big part in that story. I am thankful, and will always be thankful, that God chose you to raise my husband. Husband...has a nice ring to it, right?

Love, your new daughter,

{*** Yes, tears are streaming down my face as
 I type these precious words from Emily!}